Week 7: Tools of the ninja

This week I worked a lot on the ninja game from last week, I figured out a (hacked together) way of doing one-way platforms. I also gave our ninja a grappling hook to reach places his legs just can’t take him. What I didn’t get to was giving our ninja a sense of pain, or adversaries, or a goal… So next week I’m going to continue continuing this game and finish it off. After that I plan on continuing making a single game every week.

Game: http://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3005
Code: https://github.com/DavidPD/Pico8Games/blob/master/w6_ninja.p8

It’s been a while (Ninjas are holding me ransom)

Hello, long time no see! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I’d like to say that it’s because I’ve been abducted by ninjas in Antarctica and barely escaped with my life, and fingers, intact. But it’s really because I’m a world class procrastinator. I missed one week after another, barely working on pico8 at all. All because I’d definitely have more time to work on my games tomorrow…

This week (for several weeks really) I’ve been really excited about making a pseudo-stealth/action platforming ninja game. But I kept putting off working on it to the point that all I have is some graphics and copy/pasted code from my first week’s project. So instead of starting from scratch I’m going to continue work on the same game next week. I’ll still be posting the work-in-progress since I said that I’d post whatever I had on Sunday, but I wouldn’t really call it a game just yet.

Speaking of Sundays, I’ve decided to move my weekly deadline to Saturday. I typically have more time on Saturday and I’m hoping that the extra time will help keep me from backing myself into a corner every week.

here’s a link to the game: http://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3005